Monday 28 November 2016

The Kids are Watching

Photo Courtesy:
The Kids are watching,
I said to him, but he did not care.
He did whatever he felt like,
The presence of the children never mattered.

He came home drunk,
The kids are watching, I said.
He insulted me daily,
The kids are watching, I said.

Friday 11 November 2016

5 Tips in Business That Won't Work in The Dating World

So you want to compare your dating life to your business... Let me show you, some of the things that just won't work in your relationships as much as they are enforced for the success of your business. 
  •  Profit maximization.
We all want to make profits in our businesses and that may be one of the core reasons why we are in the business.

This however, will not get you far in your dating world. If all you are

Monday 7 November 2016

Marriage is not a Bed of Roses Neither is it a Bed of Cactus

Photo Source:
Not so long ago, I was listening to one of the local radio stations and women were going on and on about their bad marriages and how so many men have resorted into having extra-marital affairs. 

We have heard this kind of stories over a thousand times and if you listen closely, marriage has become a blame game. Nobody is willing to be the bigger person to try fix the problem rather most couple have opted to get a 'copying mechanism' in the name of supporting the children.

Friday 4 November 2016

Top Items that Men Need to look and Stay Kempt

There is nothing as annoying and discouraging to a woman as a handsome man who is shaggy, dirty and unkempt man. To me a clean man is attractive, bold and very easy to approach and interact with.
I sampled out a few must have things for the man to have in his house apart from the video games, movie series, big flat-screen television and a Manchester united poster on the wall.