Thursday 28 July 2016

7 Things You Should Avoid as You Wait For 'Prince Charming'

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There things you can do as you wait for a proper spouse. You can check out the article, 5 Things You Must do as You wait For 'Prince Charming'. There are also routines you are not allowed to do during that waiting part of your life. 
    1.    Tagging yourself along for your friend’s date with her guy

As crazy as it sounds I know there are people who do this. Your friend may invite for an outing she is going with her guy and she may do so with very good intentions but try as much as you can to avoid joining in. It can either make you feel like a third wheel or trigger desperate feelings to have your own.

Monday 25 July 2016

7 Top Reasons Why He is Better than You

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Why is he better than me? 
What does he have that I don't? 
What did you see in him?

Clearly, these are questions that you will probably ask if you find yourself dumped and your ex-girlfriend moves on faster than you anticipated.

If this is the case, let me save you the heartache and give you a clue of why she moved on without blinking.

Thursday 14 July 2016

5 Easy ways for Dads to Bond with their Kids

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With the fathers' day talk last month, so many issues came up. It got me thinking, about how very many Dads have a difficult time bonding with their kids. There is that one familiar story of how when a Dad enters the house all the kids go to their rooms.

Today, I have some tips on how you can turn things around and be a cool Dad. One that has a real conversation with their kids.

Tuesday 12 July 2016

5 Things You Must Do as You Wait for ‘Prince Charming’

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Crazy how everyone has a 5 or 10 years plan of their life. You know, by this time I should have done this and that. Maybe gotten a job, married, started a family, built a house, bought a vehicle bla bla bla. The truth of the matter is, the 5 or 10 years never go as fast as we would want them to go.

When it comes to relationships and waiting for 'THE ONE' the drill is the same. The question is, what if he doesn’t come tomorrow, or the next day?