Thursday 14 July 2016

5 Easy ways for Dads to Bond with their Kids

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With the fathers' day talk last month, so many issues came up. It got me thinking, about how very many Dads have a difficult time bonding with their kids. There is that one familiar story of how when a Dad enters the house all the kids go to their rooms.

Today, I have some tips on how you can turn things around and be a cool Dad. One that has a real conversation with their kids.

1. Have dinner together
I know most parents get home when the children are asleep and there is nothing you can do about it for now. However, you can form the habit of having family dinners regularly depending on your schedule.

Family dinners are actually a great to bond and open up.

2. Let them know about you
From time to time share your life experience and don’t forget childhood stories. When it comes to your childhood try be real and cut down on the hero and genius angle. We all know the familiar story told by almost all Dads. Telling some true stories makes your kids see you as a person rather than a character in a story.

Tell them a little about your job. Don’t share too much, they may not be so interested. It’s so easy to talk about work so strike a balance to avoid getting boring. Your kids would like to know what you do but, they don’t care for the Nitti gritty and technical aspects.

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3. Have family activities
Create time for your family and have bonding activities that do not include going to church or watching news. Don’t get me wrong, I advocate for parents to take their kids to church but that is not a bonding activity.

Have something that you do as a family regularly. It could be going out for a family fun day, biking or even a board game. You can do just anything as a family as long as it is fun.

4. Show interest in something your kids love
For boys it will be easy because probably its sports and you are into that. The secret is, get to know what your children love and try learning as much as possible about it. This will show them that you care.

Knowing the current generation you might need to learn a computer or on line game or worst still some app that you can barely understand. This is the hardest and most rewarding gesture. It will most probably getting you to your limit but remember it’s for the sake of your children.

If you can pull this off then you are likely to become BFFs (Best Friends Forever) with your children.

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5. Keep up with what is happening with your kids
It’s so easy to lose touch with your kid. Make an effort to ask them what is new especially at school. Talk to them about their friends, teachers, hobbies and any other thing. Be cautious here not to appear as an authority rather as a friend.

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Bonding with kids especially teenagers is tough but possible. You should know there are no guarantees but simply trial and error till something works out. 

Try out the above tips and it will get easier with time. 
Good luck!!

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