Wednesday 4 October 2017

Money And Relationships: My Perspective

When we had Money and Relationships as our topic last month. I realized and learned that money matters is a very crucial and serious issue in all relationships, courtships, and Marriages.

Everyone wants someone financially stable, we really don't care what the future holds. I spoke to many of my friends both married, single, or dating. one thing is clear all of us will never really see eye to eye on money issues.

Our perspectives are very
different mostly from experiences we have had.

When dating I would observe and gauge to see how much value my partner has for money. Someone who may not necessarily be a millionaire. What assets does he have at that time and if not what are his personal plans and goals for his fiances? In fact, we would sit and share our fears and strengths in investment sectors. Would he be comfortable if I earn more than him and what is his thought about me paying some of the bills?  

To others, they worship money more than anything in this world. If I find someone who will go to any lengths including stealing and dealing drugs just to impress me then I would run away from that relationship very fast. To me, your money has to be gotten legally and safely. I don't want to spend all my like a fugitive just for money's sake.    

Yes, money is important, but is it the key to a successful relationship? Can it buy Love, Honesty, Sincerity, commitment, affection, and respect? I would want someone who loves God more than money because silver and Gold all belong to Him.

Read and share your perspective about money and the role it plays in your relationships. 

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